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6 Results for: sean rubin

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Review of The Iguanodon’s Horn: How Artists and Scientists Put a Dinosaur Back Together Again and Again…and Again

The Iguanodon’s Horn: How Artists and Scientists Put a Dinosaur Back Together Again and Again…and Again by Sean Rubin; illus. by the author Primary    Clarion/HarperCollins    48 pp. 3/24    9780063239210    $21.99 What did dinosaurs really look like? The best attempts to answer this question are constantly changing. Rubin shows how each...

The Passover Guest: Sydney Taylor Book Award Blog Tour 2022

Welcome to our stop on the 2022 Sydney Taylor Book Award blog tour! Author Susan Kusel (my own former STBA committee chair) and illustrator Sean Rubin were kind enough to answer my questions about The Passover Guest (Porter/Holiday), this year’s Gold Medal winner in the Picture Book category. In this...

Why the Hell Don't More Holiday Books Win the Caldecott?

Today on Calling Caldecott, a conversation between Elisa Gall and Jonathan Hunt about holiday books and the Caldecott Award. (This is an entry in their why-the-hell Calling Caldecott series. Previous posts include discussions about the Caldecott and photography; board books; the Newbery Award; and "didactic intent.") – J.D. and M.V.P.  ELISA...

Survivor Tree and This Very Tree: A Look at Two 9/11 Picture Books

We have seen numerous books about 9/11 published in 2021, 20 years after that tragic event. Included among those titles are two outstanding picture books about what is known as the Survivor Tree, the Callery pear tree that was buried underneath the rubble of the World Trade Center and nursed...

Review of This Very Tree: A Story of 9/11, Resilience, and Regrowth

This Very Tree: A Story of 9/11, Resilience, and Regrowth by Sean Rubin; illus. by the author Primary    Holt    48 pp.    g 5/21    978-1-250-78850-4    $18.99 This is the story of an extraordinary Callery pear tree, told in the voice of the tree itself. Planted in the 1970s, this early spring...

Review of The Passover Guest

The Passover Guest by Susan Kusel; illus. by Sean Rubin Primary    Porter/Holiday    40 pp.    g 1/21    978-0-8234-4562-2    $18.99 This reimagining of I. L. Peretz’s 1904 Yiddish story “Der Kunzen-Macher” (“The Magician”) follows Muriel, a young girl living in Washington, D.C., during the Great Depression. On the first night of Passover,...

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