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The Art Thieves by Andrea L. RogersHigh School Levine/Levine Querido 400 pp.10/24 9781646143788 $19.99This compelling Cherokee-centered speculative novel by Cherokee writer Rogers (Man Made Monsters, rev. 11/22) is set in the near future: the 2050s. Stevie’s world at first looks not much different from ours, though events have progressed: climate...
Chooch Helped by Andrea L. Rogers; illus. by Rebecca Lee KunzPreschool, Primary Levine/Levine Querido 48 pp.10/24 9781646144549 $18.99Narrator Sissy’s little brother Chooch is two and wants to help. When Elisi (grandmother) paints a mural, Chooch helps. When Etsi (mother) sews pucker-toe moccasins, he helps. When Etlogi (aunt) plants a garden,...
My children have always known they are Cherokee, a fact they shared with classmates in Texas, the historic lands of the Lipan Apache, Comanche, Caddo, and others. The response was often, “You can’t be Indian; all the Indians are dead.” Aside from the impoliteness of non-Natives using the misnomer Indian...
Man Made Monsters by Andrea L. Rogers; illus. by Jeff Edwards High School Levine Querido 336 pp. g 10/22 978-1-64614-179-1 $19.99 In her debut YA novel, Cherokee writer Rogers distills two centuries of realistic intergenerational trauma into eighteen short horror stories linked by family connections. From the first story, set...
The eighteen interconnected short horror stories in Man Made Monsters (Levine Querido, 12 years and up) by Andrea L. Rogers (Cherokee), illustrated by Jeff Edwards (Cherokee), follow a family forced from their ancestral lands through generations spanning two centuries, from 1839 to 2039. 1. What inspired you to combine fantastical...