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11 Results for: aaron becker

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Review of The Last Zookeeper

The Last Zookeeper by Aaron Becker; illus. by the authorPrimary, Intermediate    Candlewick    40 pp.3/24    9781536227680    $18.99Becker’s (The Tree and the River, rev. 3/23) latest wordless fantasy takes readers to a post-apocalyptic future. Animals in a flooded zoo huddle on exposed bits of dry land; they are tended by an enormous...

The Tree and the River

In this work of speculative fiction, Aaron Becker crafts an innovative wordless picture book that follows the life of a tree as it grows in a verdant valley next to a small river. Over several centuries, the tree witnesses the development of human civilizations from farm to village and then...

Review of The Tree and the River

The Tree and the River by Aaron Becker; illus. by the authorPrimary    Candlewick    32 pp.3/23    9781536223293    $18.99Becker explores many big ideas—­including war, humanity’s impact on the environment, and the resilience of nature over time—through a science-fiction lens. The wordless narrative focuses on an idyllic forested valley split by a river....

Survivor Tree and This Very Tree: A Look at Two 9/11 Picture Books

We have seen numerous books about 9/11 published in 2021, 20 years after that tragic event. Included among those titles are two outstanding picture books about what is known as the Survivor Tree, the Callery pear tree that was buried underneath the rubble of the World Trade Center and nursed...

Five questions for Marcie Colleen and Aaron Becker

This Saturday will mark the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. For children born after this tragic event in which 2,996 individuals lost their lives in New York; Washington, DC; and Pennsylvania, reading books such as Marcie Colleen and Aaron Becker’s moving tribute Survivor Tree (Little, Brown, 6–9 years)...

Review of Survivor Tree

Survivor Tree by Marcie Colleen; illus. by Aaron Becker Primary, Intermediate    Little, Brown    48 pp.    g 8/21    978-0-316-48767-2    $18.99 Colleen uses the cycle of the seasons to tell the remarkable story of New York City’s Survivor Tree. Through lyrical prose, she describes the Callery pear tree as it stood for...

Review of Quest

Questby Aaron Becker; illus. by the authorPrimary    Candlewick    40 pp.8/14    978-0-7636-6595-1    $15.99Journey (rev. 9/13) introduced a girl with a magic red crayon who could draw her way into an adventure and back home. At the end of the book she met a boy with his own purple crayon. Quest —...

Mr. Wuffles! and Journey: Compare and Contrast

What does a wordless picture book about an imaginary world have in common with a mostly wordless book about a cat's encounter with aliens?  Whether these two books -- Journey and Mr. Wuffles! -- have anything in common is an interesting question, but that is exactly what the Caldecott committee will have to consider....


Way back in September, we started the blog with a few possible titles and asked for suggestions. The exclamation points started flyin' when Aaron Becker's Journey was not on the list. Outrage! Horror! Well, sometimes books don't make it to the hinterlands of not-New York and not-Boston, and I had some...

Review of Journey

Journeyby Aaron Becker; illus. by the authorPrimary     Candlewick     40 pp.8/13     978-0-7636-6053-6     $15.99In the tradition of Crockett Johnson’s Harold and the Purple Crayon (rev. 10/55), this wordless story shows a bored young girl  living in a monochromatic world who is able to draw herself into other worlds...

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